Monday, September 29, 2014

Cat TV

My cats are so lazy.  Other people's cats go crazy when you bust out the laser pointer.  It's actually entertaining.  Mine get smart to it and just lay down, while lazily putting out a paw like Daria.

But don't even think about stopping.  If my arm gets tired and I decide to put the toy away before they're ready, the cats will immediately start meowing and pawing at my chair.  Spoiled brats.

Emmy is still meowing at me as I type this, and jumping on and off my chair.  Ugh...

Today was National Coffee Day so I actually got dressed and went through the drive-thru.  Not that there's anything wrong with the coffee I make... but I've gotten quite bored with it since I've basically been a shut-in for the past two weeks (due to the bronchitis).  Plus, I was originally attempting to go to the grocery store, but I just didn't have the energy for that much.  I hate going even when I'm well.

I almost called the doctor last week, but then I got into a fight with mom and said to hell with it.  Not that I needed an excuse... I've been trying to avoid all things medical until I get my insurance sorted out.  This whole thing is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever dealt with.  I've been dealing with this shit for 2 months now, getting the runaround, just to have my state finally make a determination and volley me back at the federal government.  Seriously?  WTF.  I've dealt with gallstones, an infected toe, bronchitis, a major allergic reaction all over my body, and another unrelated rash all while waiting for my goddamn insurance.  If I had anything serious, I would be dead by now.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sick and tired... and cats

Emmy has learned that she can get my attention by jumping on and off my chair.  I am doomed.

Seriously, I've been fighting the worst case of bronchitis for like 2 weeks now, but the cats do not care.  They want soft food and playtime.  Lots and lots of fucking playtime.  Emmy will wear out Estel pretty quickly, then turn to me when he takes a nap.  (Lazy ass cat.)  I don't know what she expects me to do when I'm this sick, but she will bug me for hours at a time.  Maybe I should just pretend to sleep like Estel?

Seriously though, she's starting to get destructive.  She'll put her claws all over my chair.  Anything she can do to get my attention.  But she's not like this when I'm not around.  She literally only does this to get my attention.  The same way Estel paws at Tyler's dresser when he wants my attention, or taps me on the arm.  I'm going to end up with a destroyed computer chair unless I can figure out a way to wear her out without wearing myself out.  Why isn't Estel shouldering more of the burden, damn it?  Also, when am I finally going to feel well again?  :(

Friday, September 26, 2014

Halloween Cat: our newest fluffy edition to the family


A little over a month ago (Thursday August 7th, to be precise), we found a fluffy ball of fur hiding under my car along with her twin sister and Yellow Cat. We had just got home from target with random groceries, including Snickerdoodle mix, and were stepping outside for more bags when we noticed the cats.  Yellow cat and the twin immediately ran out from under the car, but Emmy stayed behind.  The other cats peeked their heads around the fence one last time as if to encourage her to follow them, but she seemed glued to the tired she was hiding behind.  We went back into the house for a ribbon and some kitten food, which allowed us to coax her from her hiding spot.  She loooooooves ribbons.  I nicknamed her Snickerdoodle for the time being.

After playing with her for most of the evening, we left some food and water for her and then went back inside.  But my heart was tugging.  I hated leaving the poor baby out there.  I posted on facebook to see if any of my friends would like to adopt her and I got a bite.  That was all the excuse I needed to bring her in the house.  I woke up the boyfriend and told him to fill up the extra litter box while I lured her with some food and ribbons.  She was inside in two seconds, and that was pretty much it.  My friend called me the next day and said her husband wouldn't let her have the kitten (allergies), so I pretty much considered Ember to be ours.  We kept her in the mudroom until she got a clean bill of health from the vet, but we did open the door for hours at a time to let the cats get used to each other.  They took to each other quickly.  It was less than a week and our new concern was keeping them away from each other until Emmy was tested.

Now we have two happy cats.  Estel loves having a friend to play with, and they're teaching each other things.  Emmy taught Estel how to make toys slide across the kitchen floor.  And Estel taught Emmy to fear plastic bags... OK, so you can't win 'em all.

Emmy loves to play so much that she exhausts both me and Estel.  She won't sit on my lap yet, but she'll happily lay on the floor and let me pet her until my hand is about to fall off.  Near as we can figure, she's about a year old now.  She grew a little after we first found her so I'd place her as a Virgo or Libra.  My mom thinks she looks like a little owl. :3