Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cooking with Estel

I made something the other night, and you may want to make it too.  So I'm sharing the "recipe."

First, start out with a whole bunch of leftover quinoa because you're an idiot who can't figure out serving sizes.  Make sure to pronounce it "quin-no-ah" like the godless heathen you are.  Dump the quinoa in a bowel.

You will now add things to this quinoa... because things make quinoa even tastier.

The first thing is an orange bell pepper.  Chop it into little pieces and try not to eat most of it before you put it in the quinoa.  It is to be eaten with the quinoa.  This is very important.

Next, chop up some baby carrots.  Why baby carrots?  Because you can almost always guarantee that I have a half-eaten bag in my fridge.

After that you will chop up an avocado because avocados are perfect.  Interpret that as you will.

Lastly, you will chop up some fresh cilantro.

Throw everything in a bowl.  Add salt, pepper, and ginger to taste.  Just eyeball that shit... don't worry, I trust you.

Mix it up and put it in your mouth.

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