Monday, February 3, 2014

Mom strikes again - Cooking Fun

I made lasagna last week (hot damn! it was delicious) but once again it seemed to take forever to cook.  Honestly, it probably should have cooked longer but we were starving.  So a couple days later when I was at my mom's...

me:  I don't know why my lasagna never cooks right.  I follow your recipe to the letter.

mom:  oh, well maybe it's the stove.  or maybe it's the pan you're using?

me:  I use the same damn glass pan that you use.

mom:  I don't use a glass pan.

me:  Yes, you do.  It's the same one you use for the sweet potatoes.

mom:  But I don't use it for the lasagna.

me:  Yes, you do.

mom:  No, I use the brown pan.

*Just told me last week that I could borrow the brown pan to transport cupcakes because it's my grandma's old pan from the 60s that she NEVER USES FOR ANYTHING.*

me: ...

mom:  It's probably the glass pan that's the problem.  Glass usually takes longer to cook than metal.

me:  I'm well aware...

*The next day*

me: Hunny, didn't mom give us that glass pan?

le boyfriend:  I dunno.

me:  I'm serious.  That wasn't something we bought together, right?

le boyfriend:  I don't think so.

me:  Goddamnit!  I knew it!  I swear to god I remember shopping at Target with mom and her buying that pan for me so I could specifically make lasagna in it!

Seriously... it's like she plans these things.

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