Saturday, February 8, 2014

Plastic Bag of Doom and other non-sense

Why does my cat insist on pawing at things?  Specifically plastic bags, cardboard, paper....  Sometimes he extends his claws slightly to get a certain sound, but he never ever rips the item in question.  WTF?

While attempting to Google this, I came across this page: CatStuff: Why Does a Cat Do That.  Which led me to the most unintentionally obnoxious/hilarious line:

Why do cats like crinkly sounds?
Crinkly sounds are similar to the high-pitched noises of rodents, birds, and crickets, so the crisp, crinkly sound of a crumpled piece of paper or walking into a paper bag stimulates the cat's "prey response."

Hah!  Ha HA.  HAHhahHahAHAha!

Estel might be OK with the crinkly sound when he's pawing at the plastic bag, but goddamn... I can't even unload the groceries without him running in fear.  Getting cookies out of a box can result in my lap getting scratched up as he scrambles to run away from this oh-so-serious threat.  And don't even get me started on keys...  Seriously, we can't even use cat toys if the jingly bells are "too loud."

If these noises, particularly the crinkly sounds, are supposed to mimic his prey then why the fuck is my cat so terrified by them?   What in his past traumatized him so acutely?  Did his former owners do something weird?  Ugh, I wish I knew.

I just want my cat to stop being irrationally terrified of nearly everything...

 and to know why he insists on pawing every box and bag in the apartment.

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